Struggles of immigrants - 2

The weather is not playing straight. We had sunny days for a couple of weeks with temperatures going as high as 8 degrees in the afternoon. As we packed our snow jacket, boots and gloves, the snow flurries returned with high-speed winds. With temperatures hovering around zero degrees, we unpacked our snow gear in the spring! Sunrise at Port Credit. During sunny days, my runs are a regular fixture. I usually start running from my block and end up at the Lake Shore. If I am able to drag myself out of the bed before dawn, I witness a glorious sunrise spreading orange hues on the horizon. If day is cloudy, I do a lap around the harbour, hear seagulls singing, get a dose of morning caffeine from a nearby Starbucks and take a bus home. Simple pleasures of life to indulge in. As a freelancer, I have meetings to attend. Most of these meetings are in Toronto. A Go train leaves for Union Station at regular intervals from a station near to my place and it is my preferred mode of t...