Black Ice Phenomena - Sliding and Slipping

I got a call from my wife when she was driving to her office. It had rained whole night and in the morning temperatures were hovering below zero. She said, “Car is sliding on the road because of black ice.” She tried to stop at the red light but her car kept sliding before coming to halt in the middle of the intersection. Luckily, roads were empty otherwise she could have been involved in something far more dangerous. Nonetheless, she was scared. When temperatures drop below freezing and roads are wet because of rain or melting of snow, a thin transparent layer of ice is formed on the road is called black ice. And black ice is not black in color. It is transparent and you can see the black tar of the road underneath a thin layer of ice. Hence, it is called as black ice. Because of its transparency and thinness, it is difficult to judge it from a distance. I experienced black ice little later when I strapped my running gear for my...